Monday, June 23, 2008

Chapter 9- Stages of Relational Escalation

I can relate to the first and second stage of relational escalation. The book talks about initiating as the first stage which is talked about on page 261. This stage involves coming into contact with someone. I think everyone can relate to this stage because we probably all met someone new for the first time at a party.

The next stage is experimenting. In this stage, you are basically trying to learn more about the other person such as their personality, likes and dislikes, hobbies, and career. I think experimenting is the best part because you can have a conversation and find out information about each other and you can see if you guys will click or not. You get a chance to share information about yourself and hopefully the person will be willing to do the same. I'm usually happy when I find something in common with a new person because then you know you can relate to each other.


Nicciri said...

I posted my comment this week on the same topic, relational escalation because it is something we can all relate to. One thing I thouhgt of is how the internet would follow suit into these five steps. For example initiating, the first step, could be compared to maybe "Friend-ing" someone on Myspace. Following the example, I would guess that experimenting might be the initial first few emails or comments trying to get more info. The only thing that throws me off with this example is that since a person's Myspace blog already has all the basic little information listed, dooes step 2 get skipped? Intensifying would be maybe long emails to each other, just like a conversation. Integrating would be hard online, but I guess the two could still influence each other. Any idea's how bonding would work? Would this be getting involved in a romantic relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend)?

Pastel Marina said...

I really enjoyed reading your post on relational escalation. I also think that the experimenting stage is the most fun. It's probably the most exciting time because you're just getting to know each other, and learning all about this other person. It's actually funny the things you find you have in common with someone. Like me and my last boyfriend for example, we realized that we both fill up our bowls with cereal and milk and then drain the milk from the spoon when actually eating it.