Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chapter 11- Tactics Used In Disengagement

My good friend once told me a story about someone she met at work. This story is significant because he used withdrawal/avoidance tactics. They met at work and then they started hanging out on a few nights. As things were going good between them, things suddenly changed. He stopped calling her, he did not return any of her calls, and contact at work was very brief. In the end, she found out the he started things back up again with his ex girlfriend, so my friend totally just forgot about the guy.

Overall, I think the guy should of been honest to my friend instead of ignoring her and especially since they worked together they were bound to cross paths.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I can expin why this guy acted like this. women need to understand that men are very simple minded and we do things what seems to be the easiest or simplest why. and most of us are not into hurting females it just kind of happens in the process, mean that at times we do selfish things because it the easiest way to get the thing or things we want..

so this guy avoided your friend because he did not want to hurt her and it was easier then having a face to face convo with her, which would cause him to explain in detail.. so the easiest thing to do was to avid your friend... sorry bout that it just how men handle things