Monday, June 9, 2008

Chapter 4 Concept

A concept that resonated with me in Chapter 4 was listening anxiety, which is on pg. 96. Listening anxiety is defined as “the temporary anxiety that may accompany certain stages of listening.”

I found this concept meaningful because it can relate to a business night class I had. It all started when I had a midterm that day and the professor wanted to lecture on some new material first. Everyone was complaining and saying “lets just take the midterm already”, but the professor insisted we hear the new material since our class meets only one day a week. Some students even wanted the professor to lecture, but the only reason why was because they saw it as an opportunity to study more and review their notes. Overall, the professor finally realized that everyone who not even bother to listen to the new material, so he handed out the midterm.

I can relate to how the book mentions that anxiety increases when students realize they have to retain new material. I knew if the professor would lecture on new material, I would definitely have a high level of listening anxiety because I would be more concerned about the midterm material than what the professor actually has to lecture about.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Rock N Roll.

As a student myself, I think I can relate to how you feel about experiencing listening anxiety in the class. One of my professors also gave lectures before handing out the exam. I remember how anxious I felt during his lecture. I tried to take notes; however, as the lecture got longer, I began to worry that the new lecture materials may mixed up with what I studied and caused confusion. This listening anxiety of mine didn’t stop until the professor handed out the exam.

I also have another similar experience in my human biology class. The professor usually gave out quiz at the end of the lecture, and the quiz was about what we learn in class on that day. I had listening anxiety every time in the class during the lectures. As more information was provided in the class, I started to fear that I won’t be able to remember all those complicated terms and their functions. I experienced much listening anxiety during that semester; therefore, I believe I can understand how you feel in your business night class.

Anonymous said...


a listening anxiety may also a occur in a relationship also because we as humans are not always ready to accept the truth. Today i was watching the Tyra Bank's show and their was this dude who seem to have a serve case of listening anxiety. For those that did not watch this episode this guy and his wife previously appeared on the show the "Moment of Truth" to discover his wife had been sleeping with his best friend.(Are you caught up to speed yet?) This guy appeared on the Tyra Banks' only to ask the same question from their appearance on The "Moment of Truth" because when she confessed to sleeping with his best friend he went into shock and he wanted to hear it again.

That guy had to have lots of anxiety concerning listening to the truth.... and sometimes you should be careful what you ask from because the truth can be deadly...

Danishgris said...
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Danishgris said...

I totally agree with you when teachers give out midterms at the second half of the class. I have the same listening anxiety. I look like I am listening to the teacher but everything is coming out again because I don’t want to lose the material that I had stored in by brain for the midterm.

So, during the lecture, I did not pay any attention than just thinking about the midterm (Beside my brain couldn't even encode more message). Especially, business classes where you have to memorize equations. So, I basically have those equations floating in my brain….until I get the midterm.

goofy said...

I defintely agree with the word you have chosen for your blog. I too believe that comprehension apprehension is a type of anxiety or fear that people experience throughout their lives. FOr example, my friend gets really bad anxieties before she has to take an exam, and sometimes needs a little more time than others to complete them. As for myself, I too have comprehension apprehension by taking exams only sometimes. I have the fear of studying too hard and failing. Having comprehension anxiety could be in just about anything such as: sports, graduation, speeches, first day of work or school, exams, or anything else. It's our way of communicating to within ourselves or with others that you are uncomfortable, nervous, or very anxious about something in particular.

Rabbit Tail said...

You hit the nail with listening anxiety, and it has resonated well with many classmates. You have five comments already! I want to share a different example. The English language can be a barrier for some professors. I had a professor who struggles with English and pronounces a word such as "naive" like "nave" (navel). I got anxious because I could only imagine how I would flunk the test because I was not understanding the lecture. Luckily, learning can involve listening, watching, and reading. After watching this professor's nonverbals and reading the chapters, I finally understood what he has intended to teach in class.