Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chapter 7- Factors Affecting the Manner of Self- Disclosure

It was interesting reading about the factors that influence self-disclosure. The book talks about how before women will disclose, they find it more important that the receiver be trustworthy, sincere, respected, and a good listener (pg. 201). I agree with all of those qualities because I would not be able to disclose anything personal to someone I meet for the first time and not know anything about their personality. I have a hard time trusting people I meet for the first time because I need to first feel comfortable around them and know them inside and out before any self-disclosing can be done. When I have to self-disclose information it is usually to my older sister or best friend. I have build a strong relationship with them already, so it doesn’t matter what I have to tell them. I know I can count on them for feedback when dealing with rough situations.


CGH said...

I agree with what you wrote but I think it's funny how the book says that women will only disclose when they feel the receiver is trustworthy. I am definitely that way but I think that men are like that too, maybe more so. I'll use my boyfriend as an example. He does not disclose personal information to very many people, even his close friends. I think the only people he will open up to are his family and me. Whereas I, on the other hand am willing to trust just about anyone that I call a friend. I don't mind opening up to people, it's not as hard for me as it is for the guys I know. It's just an observation I've made.

Caligirl522 said...

That sounds accurate in many ways. I know if the person does not seem sincere or trustworthy, I will not divulge my personal information very quickly. For me it takes time to develop a relationship to where I am comfortable talking about personal things, but I know when I am ready and I do the relationships becomes very important to me. I find that when talking about important issues or personal information with another emotions happen. If the person is not genuine, it can be a dangerous place for the emotional aspect of the woman.

squirrelhands said...

I defiantly agree and can relate to your type of disclosing. I too must also feel comfortable with someone and that I can truly trust them before I disclose information with them. You have to know if someone is genuine and sincere enough to listen to you and take in what you have to say. I know that for me, I may be a little extreme but it usually can take me months-to a year to be able to disclose information with people. I just feel that now a days with so much a rush in everyone’s lives and “me” only attitude that so many people put out there, I think its harder to find people who are willing to not make it all about themselves and open up enough to listen to others and take peoples feeling into account. And when I finally feel that someone is worthy enough for me to disclose that information, then I know they are true. Perhaps that is why I only have few people that I disclose information too.