Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Chapter 13- Confront or Avoid

The book mentions how the first choice people make during conflict is whether to confront or avoid the other person. The example used in the book is about a car that might not have been aware that the light turned green.

In this situation, I wouldn’t honk at the other driver. I would probably just wait patiently and avoid conflict. If for some reason I see the driver on their cell phone then I would honk at the driver because then I can assume that they are more concerned about the phone call rather than what is happening on the road.

Also, If I was not in a good mood that day then I would honk because my patients level would probably be at a low point. Overall, I think people would handle this situation in my different ways, but my first choice is not to honk, unless that person takes longer than 5 seconds to realize the light changed.

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